
Order Cancellation

How to Cancel an Order at IPTVIGO:

Wondering how to cancel an order? It’s easy with IPTVIGO! Simply access your confirmation email and utilize the cancellation option within 1 hour of placing your order. Look for the “Changed Your Mind?” section in your email. If the 60-minute window has passed, reach out to Sales@iptvigo.com for further assistance.

Accidentally canceled your order and now wish to resume it? No problem! Place a new order at checkout to proceed. For any inquiries or guidance, feel free to email Sales@iptvigo.com, and our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Concerned about the status of your canceled order? Rest assured, if you canceled through the confirmation email link, you will receive a confirmation email for the cancellation. If you haven’t received this confirmation, reach out to Sales@iptvigo.com with your original #order number for assistance.

If you are unable to self-cancel an order containing a gift card, promptly contact Sales@iptvigo.com with your #order number and cancellation or change request, and we will assist you promptly.

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